Apple co-founder Steve jobs said that “Coding enables your thinking power”
Here comes the first reason:-
1. Creating a way for the logical thinking:-
Coding helps to develop the the way for the logical thinking which helps you in day to day task in an ease way. Bill gates started coding at the age of 13 which made him the most richest person in the world. Coding helps in technical and educational analyse of any situation.

Lets relate some languages of the computer world which you can relate in day to day life:-
C language – which is used for the logical thinking and thought building process in our brain
C++ language – which is used to solve mathematical problem and arithmetic problem in day to day life
Python language – It is used to solve problems related to machine learning and data base management system
2. Problem solving Skills:-

Coding enables you to solve problem very fluently in hardest to hardest situation. It gives you different ideas in which you can solve problem in various method. In coding we get an problem in which you have to solve the problem through logical analyse and which helps you in fast thinking process through which your problem solving skills improve.
3. Stay updated:-

You get to know about the latest technologies with coding and if you are master at it then you can also contribute in the latest inventions. Coding is not hard at all its all about the understanding the concept perfectly and initiating it in the computer. Coding languages is all about having an proper connection with the computer.