Tally ERP or Tally Prime is a computer software which is widely used for accounting purpose mostly by small and medium business. In our country 95% of Small & Medium Business Enterprises use Tally.
A working knowledge of Tally is in great demand. Once you get the certificate for Tally Prime , it gives you a wings for your career as well as for a job.
Even if you are currently employed, learning Tally and obtaining a certificate will improve your chances for a promotion or you may even land a better job. Tally will give a much needed boost to your career by enhancing your knowledge in Accounting, Inventory, Payroll, Taxation, etc.
Who can learn Tally?
It is a computer accounting software, a basic knowledge about both these areas (computers and accounting) is recommended. Any person who has passed their 12th standard can join for this course at Tally institutes .
Average Salary
According to Payscale India, the average salary for A Tally Expert (Accountant) is Rs 2 to 3 Lacs per year, these salary is according to area & operational types. Even most people with this criteria doing free lancing job. So their is no salary barriers, student can earn as maximum then can.